Trapped in the dark unknown of the ocean, you struggle to manage the oxygen levels for yourself and for the tanks that will secure your escape, as the spectres of those that came before close around you...


On menus, only a mouse works, but in-game you can use a controller (recommended)

Sprint - hold Shift, or press in the Left stick
Move - WASD / keypad / Left stick
Supply/Deposit oxygen - hold E / Gamepad X


The game is tough on medium / hard. Strategically topping up, and knowing when and where to run is key. Running consumes oxygen though, so use it sparingly. You can move and extract/deposit oxygen at the same time.

Low oxygen drastically reduces your visibility, try to keep it topped up or else you'll be scrambling around in the dark.


There are 3 types to discover. Once the screen starts shaking, one of them has you in their sights. The closer they are, the faster they get. The closer they are, the more oxygen they take.


The in-browser build is useful for quick demonstrations, but if you experience performance, audio, or other issues, you're best off downloading the file for your OS.

Don't forget you can zoom in/out with your browser controls too.

Made for Global Game Jam 2025


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Richard said I couldn't finish this game on hard mode, but I guess some people are just built different ;) (Took me 3 attempts)